We produce our own range of seamless garments designed to assist eczema sufferers with the retention of creams and emollients on their skin called ‘Skinnies’. These are available on prescription in the UK, supplied through our partner company Dermacea ltd for the NHS.
Other medical products we provide include socks for diabetes sufferers, gloves for those with Reynaud’s Syndrome (bad circulation in extremities), finger tubes for surgeons and dressing retention garments for wound care including burns. We use silk and viscose to knit the skinnies.
For more details please visit

Skinnies- Long sleeved top in silk for Men. Aimed to help with Eczema care.

Skinnies- Leggings in silk for Women. Aimed to help with Eczema care.

Skinnies - Long sleeved top in viscose for children. Aimed to help with Eczema care.

Skinnies- Short sleeved round top in WEBB for Men. Used to improve wound dressing and care process.